Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Suns Got Burned!

So it turns out one of the refs working the Suns-Spurs series this May - one of the most controversial in recent history - was betting on games over the past 2 seasons, including some that he was working. This is obviously illegal and the sucker deserves to get in a lot of trouble. But somehow, this makes me feel better about the series and not worse. The Suns gave the Spurs all the series they could handle and then some, and even though they lost, the combination of the ref's criminalism, Bowen's dirty playing, Duncan's and Ginobli's acting, and of course Horry's hooliganism, the Suns came out looking like the tragic heros to me. Sometimes, the good guys get a raw deal, but they are still the good guys. And I think it will make the story that much sweeter when they rise up and beat the Spurs next year in the conference finals, then go on to win it all. Here's to Stevie Boy, Amare, Shawn, Boris, Leandro and Raja. We love you guys.


Goose said...

Although I didn't watch the whole series, I saw enough to feel a strong dislike for the Spurs. With that said, it wasn't the refs or David Stern that lost the series. the Spurs are a dirty, talented team that seemed to have the answers whenever they needed it. I hope that next year they go down in flames. I think most of the USA hopes for the same.

Mark said...

I don't know if I have ever been as incensed about a sporting event as I was about the Suns-Spurs series. From game one on, I had a suspicion that there was something fishy going on--and turns out the old Markster's spidey sense was right on.

This well-made video you've posted is very condemning, and re-affirms my growing suspicion that the powers that be are in a grand conspiracy to get me, and that if they can't get to me, then they'll get to my proxy, Mr. Steve Nash. :)

While game 3 was won at home by the Spurs and wasn't particularly close, this video shows a string of outrageous calls that made it that way. And the Spurs win in that game set the table for the game 4 "hooliganism" you alluded to from Horry, which caused the idiotic suspensions from a literalistic, blindly interpreted rule by Fool Stern, which caused the Suns to exhaust themselves in game 5 without 2 of their best players, which spilled over to game 6 when the just ran out of gas at crunch time, which deprived the world of a classic game 7 between the two best basketball teams on the planet, who, due to the NBA's current ridiculous playoff seeding system, were meeting in the stinkin' quarterfinals.

The whole thing was a huge mess. And I guarantee you that Mr. Donaghy was not acting alone. I don't think there's every a conspiracy of just one. I believe he also killed JFK, and that he's in cahoots with Stephanie.

The NBA may never recover from this . . . unless Steve and the Suns can pull it together, and rebound to the championship next year, which will be one of the great sports odysseys of all time.

I hope the Suns stick together as a team and run it back at 'em next season.

Go Suns!!!

Tankfos said...

The suns are by far the funnest team in the NBA to watch!!! Nash, Stoudamire, Marion, Bell, Barbosa. I hope they go all the way this next year.
I agree that the Spurs are annoying. Tim Duncans face bugs me for some reason, especially when he has his dumbfounded look on it. Ginobli annoys me also. However, I like Tony Parker, he is dang good. When it comes right down to it the Spurs are the best team out there, and whoever beats them is going to have to put together a very impressive run. Go SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyler said...

I agree with Drew. Ultimately, the Suns lost because they couldn't beat the Spurs. The Spurs are a talented team, but I agree with Adam...I can't stand to watch Duncan, Bowen or Ginobli play for some reason....just so annoying.

I'm usually pretty skeptical about conspiracies and I think that when this whole thing has run it's course it will prove to be pretty inconsequential and ultimately irrelavant to the outcome of the Suns-Spurs series. Just one idiot getting greedy and trying to profit unfairly from a position of trust.

It is unfortunate how one (or possibly a few) bad apple(s) can spoil the barrel of public opinion in a situation like this. I guarantee you that the vast majority of NBA refs are honest, hard-working, ethical individuals who strive to do their best each game. I'm sure most of them have a few choice words to share with Mr. Donaghy for making everyone skeptical of NBA officials' integrity.

The Suns lost the series that I watched. I was frustrated by a lot of what I saw, but blaming a loss on the refs just isn't the classy way to go. Champions take responsiblity for their victories and their defeats!:-)

Actually, did anyone in the Suns organization do more than just complain about the refs publicly, like actually blame the loss on the officiating? I didn't follow it close enough to really know.