Sunday, October 21, 2007

For all the Haters

I know I rarely post on my blog. I'm sorry, but I just don't think I'm cut out to be a blogger. What is my problem? I'm not sure.
All I want to do with this post is ask a question I've been thinking about and get your opinions. As I am trying to produce the best music of my life right now, I've been thinking about what makes some music great(and why mine isn't!). I want to make music that means something to people.
So my question is: "What is it about your favorite music that makes it meaningful to you?"
Thanks for reading. This is the Lone Wolf signing off.


Rappster said...

Howdy Jeff, Although I am not a "Hater," I'll respond to your request.

I've been asking myself the same question over and over for the past decade. Sadly, I have to admit that I'm no closer to an answer than I was on day 1.

Good luck on your songwriting adventures. For me, songwriting is a brutal process. It's torturous. It's an incredibly underrated challenge.

Good luck bro!
-Ryan Rapp

Danalin said...

Jeff, I was just listening to a lot of your music today as I was exercising. It's nice to have so many songs that I like that are all clean that I can listen to for such a long period of time. I really appreciate that.

I guess that I am not the best person to comment on this since I am no music expert...but for me the songs that really get to my heart are ones that have come from the heart. That's what your songs all seem to be. They have come from your life and thoughts and I think that reaches people. I love your music and I am excited to hear what's coming. One thing's for sure - it's going to be sweet!

Conrats again on the birth of your baby girl!

Goose said...

Until I see a real post I will stay a "hater".

In response to your question I would say music that I can personally relate to. That makes it hard on the writer, but I think that is what moves me to listen to certain artists. I don't relate well to Snoop Dog becuase what he writes about is not important to me in my life! I feel like I can not understand where he is coming from and why he is saying what he is. SO his music is just a beat, with some words to it(most of the time not very good words). I guess what I mean is that I can relate to a lot of your songs because the meanings are things I have experienced, I am experiencing, or hope to experience. I can think of a few songs that you have written and they remind of a certian time in my life, or something like that. I think Kristen would say the same. I like other artists because they can lay down a nasty beat, or help me get my groove on, but the great songs, the ones I love the most, are the ones that have moved me to do something or to think about something in a different way. That is why music from people I feel like I can respect as a person, or as a band, will be my favs. And as you probably know, that list runs very short.

That is probably the reason why hymns are my favorite music because when I sing them or hear them I will often think about the author and what provoked him or her to write the words he/she did. Then I think about myself and if I could write something like that or if I ever have thought of that topic in that light before.

So write from the heart. They don't have to be spiritaul in nature, but they should mean something to you, and if they do, then most likely in time, others who appreciate your life or values or just your way of thinking will begin listening, and you will be huge. By huge I mean rich and famous!

It's not just the beat, the words, or the song that matters, but the person who wrote it and why. Take all those things into account and your music will rock, Easy isn't it, but don't worry you got a fan in me.

I don't think I have told you, but your song "Life" was a favorite on my mission with me and with a few companions. No we didn't have a recording but we had my beautiful voice and anytime life was hard and things weren't going the way we wanted, there could be heard in some part of Ghana these words being sung...

"Life just keeps on coming, so don't go bumming out yeah, at least your not dead."

And the work did go forward, and nobady ain't bummed out yet!!!

Mark said...

Sometimes the music itself creates the meaning through a memorable melody or profound lyrics . . . but often the context in which the song is heard creates a meaning all its own.

For instance, the other day I heard Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's immortal "Good Vibrations," and a flood of high school memories and warm-ups for Chatfield B-ball games came back. Sure, it's catchy hip-hop, but what makes it memorable is the corresponding memories it triggers.

These lyrics will forever stand the test of time:

Vibrations good like Sunkist
Many wanna know who done this
Marky Mark and I'm here to move you
Rhymes will groove you
And I'm here to prove to you
That we can party on the positive side
And pump positive vibes
So come along for the ride
Making you feel the rhythm is my occupation
So feel the vibration

Come on come on
Feel it feel it
Feel the vibration

It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation

But seriously, to me, lyrics are the most important part of a song to make it meaningful to me. And you've got great songs: catchy, profound, textured, rich, intensely memorable. So get them out to the public!

Visit today!!!

Rappster said...

Here's a 4 minute video about a famous graphic artist. He has some interesting things to say about art. I happen to agree with most all of t hem.

By the way, I visited your music website about a week ago, and I really enjoyed your songs. My favorite right now is "Help for the Helpless."

Rappster said...

Check that! "Help OF the Helpless" not "Help for the helpless"