Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Boy

After a long hiatus, I come back to you now at the turning of the tide. The turning of what tide, you ask? The tide of of life, love and everything that this blog stands for.
Oh, and I also wanted to show you these cute pictures of my Sonny Boy. The photo above is me and my son at the U of A - BYU game. Ugly game, but Cal was showing his cougar pride and I was instilling in him his sure to be life-long love of college football.
Here is the Bub enjoying a treat.
Wanna play me Dominos?
I'm cute.
Sorry I can't write much. I'm off to a priesthood leadership meeting because I was recently called as a counselor in my Elder's Quorum presidency.


Mark said...

Your new post came at the most opportune time. I was on the edge of the abyss, staring into the void below . . . and then, like a miracle, your reassuring presence has risen anew into the blogosphere like the Phoenix (until Wolverine, torn in his desperate love, kills her.)

But anyway, your boy is an extremely cute little man. Too bad he roots for a team that can't fathom how to finish off another team.

Welcome back, Jack.

Danalin said...

I almost didn't look...I was looking through to see if anyone had posted anything new and I thought, 'Surely Jeff hasn't'. But, wonder of wonders - a new post! :)
And I'm glad I did because I got to see your super cute little guy! Man, it is amazing how fast they grow. Ty is also working on Max loving football and all things sporty. So far, so good. He stares really hard at the TV when Ty has ESPN on.
Hope all is going well!

Wendi said...

Wonderful to see you back in the blogosphere, Jeff. That son of yours is cute enough for ten babies, I kid you not. Keep those entries coming!